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Decors collection

The warm colours of the Cottage Pine décor with honey and amber tones are modelled on old pine boards. This captures the effect of noble authenticity. Regularly arranged fine grains emphasise order in the interior. This impression is additionally strengthened by the absence of large knots and cracks characteristic for pine wood. It is the ideal choice for Scandinavian style interiors, and also an interesting and invigorating accent for subdued minimalist kitchens.
Dekor Cottage Pine PD7021 w odcieniu jasnego, naturalnego drewna w liniowe pory i niewielkie szare słoje - WoodecoDekor Cottage Pine PD7021 w odcieniu jasnego, naturalnego drewna w liniowe pory i niewielkie szare słoje - Woodeco
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Fragment of the décor 100 x 150 mm
Dekor COTTAGE PINE PD7021 w kolorze miodowym firmy Woodeco z nieregularnymi, jasnobrązowymi słojami
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Fragment of the décor 1000 x 1270 mm
The décor appears in the collection:
  • Mood Stories Comfort Collection
  • Mood Stories
Reflection Value NCS RAL
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